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Saturday, October 14, 2017

The largest telescope in the world (China's FAST)

The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope
(FAST; Chinese: 五百米口径球面射电望远镜), nicknamed Tianyan (天眼, lit. "Heavenly Eye") is a radio telescope located in the Dawodang depression (大窝凼洼地), in Pingtang County, Guizhou Province, southwest China. (中國貴州省平塘縣克度鎮)
 It consists of a fixed 500 m (1,600 ft) diameter dish constructed in a natural depression in the landscape. It is the world's largest filled-aperture radio telescope.
The 500 meter-diameter telescope, which will dwarf the 300 meter-diameter Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico furthers China's technological clout.
The telescope is made up of 4,450 triangular-shaped panels. It has a novel design, using an active surface made of metal panels that can be tilted by a computer to help change the focus to different areas of the sky.
The cabin containing the feed antenna suspended on cables above the dish is also moved using a digitally-controlled winch by the computer control system to steer the instrument to receive from different directions. It is currently undergoing testing and commissioning. It observes at wavelengths of 10 cm to 4.3 m.
The telescope made its first discovery of two new pulsars in August 2017, barely 1 year after its first light. The new pulsars PSR J1859-01 and PSR J1931-02, which are also referred to as FAST pulsar #1 and #2 (FP1 and FP2), were detected on August 22 and 25 and are 16,000 and 4,100 light years away, respectively.
 On 26 December 2008, a foundation laying ceremony was held on the construction site.Construction started in March 2011, and the last panel was installed on the morning of 3 July 2016. Originally budgeted for CN¥700 million, the final cost was CN¥1.2 billion (US$180 million).
Its working frequency range of 70 MHz to 3.0 GHz,with the upper limit set by the precision with which the primary can approximate a parabola.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

上海徐家匯-徐光啟墓 (The Tomb of Xu Guangqi)

徐光啟墓是明末大臣徐光啟及其部分親屬的墓地,位於中國上海徐家匯今光啟公園北側,占地3,000平方米,高2.2米,為橢圓形大墓。 墓園占地面積達到3000平米,墓園內共有10個墓穴,主穴葬著徐光啟及其夫人吳氏,左右葬著他的四個孫子及孫媳。
崇禎七年(1634年)以一品官規格賜域賜葬,派專使護靈柩歸葬上海,因時局不靖,暫厝於上海縣城大南門外的雙園別墅; 崇禎十四年(1641年)營葬營葬於松江府上海縣高昌鄉二十八保六圖西南隅。光緒二十九年(1903年)天主教江南代牧區重修增建。曾一度被荒廢,甚至變成菜園;1957年時一度重建。「文化大革命」時,變成了露天倉庫,後遭到嚴重毀壞;1983年再次重修。2003年根據1903年墓制重修,後得到良好的維護。 1959年5月26日及1977年12月7日,徐光啟墓先後兩次被公布為上海市文物保護單位
Xu Guangqi (April 24, 1562 – November 8, 1633), also known by his baptismal name Paul, was a Chinese scholar-bureaucrat, Catholic convert, agricultural scientist, astronomer, and mathematician under the Ming Dynasty.
Xu was a colleague and collaborator of the Italian Jesuits Matteo Ricci and Sabatino de Ursis and assisted their translation of several classic Western texts into Chinese,
including part of Euclid's Elements. He was also the author of the Nong Zheng Quan Shu, a treatise on agriculture. He was one of the "Three Pillars of Chinese Catholicism". His current title is Servant of God.

I visited Xu Guangqi's tomb in the winter of 2016.

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