What enjoyable two weeks ! We are all proud of China, for successfully hosting the Olympic game. Cannot wait for the next Olympic game, 2012 in London.
Yunnan 云南 is a province of the People's Republic of China, located in the far south of the country spanning approximately 394,000 square kilometers (152,000 square miles). The capital of the province is Kunming. The name of Yunnan means "south of Yunling Mountains". Yunnan is China's most diverse province, biologically as well as culturally. The province contains snow-capped mountains and true tropical environments, thus supporting an unusually full spectrum of species and vegetation types. During summer, the Great Plateau of Tibet acts as a barrier to monsoon winds, trapping moisture in the province. This gives the alpine flora in particular what one source has call a "lushness found nowhere else."
08/01/08 Courtesy of Reuters These pictures were taken at 嘉峪关 Jiayuguan, Gansu Province, China. Solar eclipse is called "Rishi" 日蚀 in Chinese, meaning Sun eaten. Traditional, solar eclipse is seen as a bad omen, and this is happening one week from the start of the Olympics ! 2008 is proved to be an eventful year for China !